No Shave FUE

NO shave FUE hair transplantation

Hair transplant without trimming

Premium quality hair transplantation – regain yourself! The first hair transplant clinic in Hungary, offering reliable and credible solutions. At our clinic, FUE hair transplantation can be performed without shaving the hair! With the FUE individual hair extraction technique, there’s no need to shave the hair either at the donor or recipient site for the procedure!

FUE hair transplantation usually involves a full hair trim. In such cases, the hair at both the donor site at the back and sides of the head and the recipient site on the top of the head is shaved very short before the procedure. In the case of a partial haircut, only the donor area is trimmed, not the recipient area, where it is implanted to thicken the existing hair.

If our patient prefers not to have a haircut at all for FUE hair transplantation, it is possible to have the surgery with the full hair retained. This is called “NO SHAVE FUE”. In this case, there is no need to trim the existing hair at either the donor or recipient site. So, at the end of the operation, the patient’s hair is as it was before the operation.
Transplanting larger amount of hair may require a two-day operation, which is also more expensive than a trimmed transplant.

Hajbeültetés előtt és után, műtéti eredmény. FUE technika.
Before and after hair transplantation, surgical results. FUE technique, as performed with a full hair shave, is shown in the images below, depicting the surgical hair shaving.

Hair transplant FUE shaved technique result before and after

FUE TECHNIQUE – this is how it looks when the procedure is performed with full hair shaving The result can be seen in the image above.

Hajbeültetés műtét után közvetlenül, egy héttel és egy hónappal később.

Hair transplantation immediately after surgery, one week and one month later

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