For hair transplantation, the patient’s own hair is transplanted from the remaining hairy part to the area with hair loss.
In a hair transplant, we use the patient’s own hair taken from the back and sides of the head (which is genetically coded differently and is not prone to falling out) and transplant it to the areas with hair loss. After the transplant, these hairs do not fall out, just like in their original location, and retain their original characteristics. This so-called safe donor area can be available even in cases of extensive baldness.
For the most common hereditary male pattern baldness and non-hereditary hair loss that can be treated with a hair transplant (e.g., scar-related hair loss), we use a similar approach.
Only your own hair can be transplanted! Transplanting foreign hair or hair from another person is not possible due to immunological reasons, this hair would be rejected and would not adhere.

The transplanted hair will not fall out throughout the rest of your life.
The durability of hair transplantation extends throughout your lifetime. The transplanted hair looks as natural as it did in its original location. We transplant the hair as follicular unit grafts (small skin islands or tissue cylinders containing hair follicle groups naturally growing in 1-2-3-4 hair strands, that is, hair follicles) into tiny incisions made in the hair loss areas. The transplanted grafts will establish themselves here and will grow and behave just like they did in their original location.
The sensitivity of hair strands to hormones is genetically coded, which is why it is possible for hair to fall out in certain areas of the scalp while remaining in others. The hair strands in the donor area are not sensitive to hormonal effects, so they do not fall out throughout life and retain this property even after transplantation. The transplanted hair strands do not fall out throughout life and grow and behave in their new location after transplantation just as they did in their original area.
The Natural Appearance of Transplanted Hair
With the right experience and surgical precision, hair transplantation results in a completely genuine and natural appearance. The direction and angle of the hair strands in the transplanted grafts are meticulously controlled during the procedure to match the original state of the donor area. When examining the transplanted area, whether from a distance or up close, it is impossible to determine that the missing hair was replaced through surgery.
At Sikos Hair Transplant Clinic, we use ultra-refined surgical techniques that involve the extraction, processing, atraumatic handling, and implantation of hair follicle units (grafts) with high magnification. These microsurgical procedures allow us to achieve a high number of grafts and corresponding hair density, as well as produce a seamless and natural result.